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The Round Table: Master Level 2.0

The Round Table: Master Level 2.0

Women in Business & Women in Leadership: Monthly Gathering

Mastermind approach & framework, meeting once a month for a duration of 10 months, we will establish Girl Code, create a trusting- contained space where we will give and receive from each other’s wisdoms, life experiences, knowledge, education, professional degree’s and businesses as well, support, encourage and be there for each other personally and professionally.

We will be both, the teacher and the student and take our own personal and business growth to the next level with the guidance, support, tools, strategies and skill sets that we gain from each other.

Take the idea of a Mastermind and add in women’s business community, connection and collaborations and what you have is Mastery.

December 10

GTINC. Fall 2023 Hiking Series

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