“Community is much more than belonging to something; its more about doing something together that makes belonging matter”
Round Table: Master Level
We bring Women in Leadership & Women in Business together so that WE Spark the Individual (YOU), Unite the Collective (HER) & Change the Landscape of Women in power positions (Us).
To BECOME, make large or more extensive. Expand your business or leadership skills by expanding your band width. Your ability to expand starts with your mindset, your action steps and your overall belief in yourself.
Rise or lift up to a higher position. To elevate, we create goals, apply strategies, learn from past experiences and implement them into future goals, dreams and aspiration. Elevation begins when we see our higher versions of self as being possible.
An action step. Something that we set out to do, intentionally. Knowing that one action leads to a reaction, which leads to a ripple affect, creating another action. It starts with ourselves first and then sends a vibration to the lady beside you, around you and then, into our community.
Women in Business & Women in Leadership
In a world that is full of "busy," do this, do that, now here, not there, jump higher, stay low, should, could, would and do or don't. We are left with confusion, questions, a need for direction & a want for connection.
What Girl Time Inc. knows for certain is that ‘True’ self-connection and human-connection is why we are here. We built a table for it.
The Round Table: Master Level begins again for the third year in September 2024.
A 10-month closed container, built with 14 women in TOP Business positions & leader positions.
"The energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship." ~ Brene Brown
“I felt energized, confidence was boosted, I had so many take aways and different outlooks that I could implement in my day to day.”
Keri O’Shea, Manager, Client Success at DAVACO
“I felt empowered both personally and professionally being surrounded by these incredibly bright, supportive and highly talented women.”
Karen Jay, Relationship/Sales/Business Development for Samsung Electronics
“To come together and share knowledge and experience is the most valuable thing you can have.”
Holly Lo, Canadian Founder of dōTERRA, Owner of Oil Babies
The Benefits
Girl Time Inc.’s Women of the Round Table
FOR: Women in Business & in Leadership Positions
Together, we create a council of women in leadership and women in business that will collectively help each other within our personal and professional worlds.
The council within us act as a sounding board, built on each other’s knowledge, experience, expertise and skill set and with the common goal to expand, elevate and lift each other up.
Together we form a Ku la:
NOUN, A Community: Influential, widespread, legendary women who come together to celebrate inclusivity and a sense of belonging.
Masterclass: Girl Code
We first, establish GIRL CODE
Quick information: Complex topics are presented by the masters in easy-to-understand presentation manner.
Autonomy: You can decide on your own learning rhythm. Preparation and follow-up work is also not necessary. For the Women of the Round Table, Additional resources & one-on-one time provides added value for participants
Mastery: The teacher offers their specialist advice and provide hands-on knowledge about that particular topic - making the session extra valuable and exclusive for all the right reasons.
Insight: We get the chance to “get a taste” of the working world of absolute experts.
Mastermind: Problems Solved
Swarm intelligence: Masterminds bring together people from different industries. Participants benefit from concentrated knowledge power and versatile expertise.
Cohesion: A mastermind group welds people together. It provides strength, self-confidence and motivation for courageous decisions – a true empowerment tool.
Focus: If we say a specific goal out loud in a group, we are even more motivated to achieve it.
Contacts: In a mastermind group, we have the opportunity to make contacts with people who will be with us in the long term. The community is there for each other!
Girl Code: The Booklet
Creator & Facilitator Ms. Ashley
“Confidence & comfort, when combined, you have ease & speed. When you replace comfort with curiosity, that is when you have elevation, expansion & growth.”
The most effective way for me to create a collective heartbeat is to establish GIRL CODE!
You ARE a Trailblazer
Believe in HER
Worthy & Important
Opportunity to Rise
Sense of Community
Connection & Collaboration
Be there FOR each Other
Integrity 1st
Kula & A Sense of Belonging
Each Month there is a NEW Girl Code to examine, learn from and focus on. Girl Code refuels YOU the person so that your business and leadership world get the BEST version of you.
1st, We Establish
Girl Code
Arrival & Duration
The Round Table begins at 6:30pm and will close by 9:30pm. A total of 3 hours together. The first 15 minutes will be focused on our meet & greet. Time for connection and catch up with the ladies. Come on time and come prepared to do the “Work” - personally and professionally.
1st, We Establish GIRL CODE: Masterclass
First on our agenda will be on the Girl Code topic of that month. The Girl Code helps guides into getting to know each other at a deeper level as well as activates a higher understanding of ourselves. This is the YOU part, the masterclass portion of our evening. We will engage in individual work as well as break outs into smaller groups.
Action Steps & Support
Each time we gather, we will walk away with new knowledge, more insight, next steps and action items to follow through. Whether it is Girl Code related, a collaborative opportunity or an up level in/on your business, we always walk away with more. These are the ASKS & Tasks, the “homework.”
NEW this year 24/25, Girl Time Inc. has created the ON-LINE Round Table. This Is for women In business and In leadership who are not local or In travel distance. This option will also be offered to both IN-PERSON location as an additional table to sit In on If you are away or sick at our scheduled table.
Away or Sick
No worries! Life happens and we always want to respect flexibility. Communication is key- simply inform GTINC. of your absence & we will make an special 1:1 date post your return to catch you up to speed.
Your health Is always a top priority. Honour your mind, body, heart and soul. We honour you!
NEW Round Table Course Material: ON-LINE
Another NEW up-grade to the Round Table Is the on-line course material. Each Masterclass, Girl Code and Mastermind will have It’s own “chapter” In the NEW Round Table Women ONLY Portal. Each chapter will have a video, the PDF, additional resources and the asks and tasks for each month. This Is a great way to stay connected, preview each month’s material ahead of time, get caught up plus stay accountable.
Every month, we will open up the table to discuss, problem solve, activate our tool belts and help each other with the Mastermind “TOPIC.” This is the activation of our professional “hats.” We will insights, suggestions, business advice, resources, support systems and all that jazz.
Bonus, Workshops & Events
Within the Round Table Communities (Years 22/23, 23/24, & current year 24/25), there will be additional workshops, bonuses, guest appearances, inspirational speakers at our 5 After 5's and events that everyone Is invited/included in. This is a great way to meet and connect with previous tables plus additional opportunities to learn from each other as well as experience someone else zone of genius.
Your Investment
Invest in YOU…Personally & Professionally
NEW Tables for 2024/25 in Nottawa, Meaford & On-Line and NEW Alumni Table.
IN -PERSON Full Price Investment: $2,500.00/pp
NOTE: There will be a payment plan options as well as an Early Bird Price of $1999.99 +hst
The Round Table: Master Level IN-PERSON
10, 3-hour Gatherings (in-person & on-line)
9 Masterclasses: The Development of Girl Code – Individual Growth
9 specialized Mastermind Topic’s – Business/Leadership Growth
Intimate settings and gatherings with the same group of Women in Business & Leadership (The Community Container)
A comprehensive Course Book: 9 Girl Codes, Mastermind topics + additional tools, strategies, and take-ways
Private Group Chat/Community support
NEW COURSE Material, ON-Line ~ Videos, Material & Next steps
NEW On-Line Community (if you are absent, this is a great option to connect with other ladies as well as not miss a thing)
Extra's & Bonuses:
1:1 meeting with Host (aka: me)
3:3 group date
Monthly Socials ~5 After 5 Style with other Women of the Round Tables
Additional tailored workshops, events and socials created within the Round Table Community.
Connection to Women of the Round Table Alumni - the panel and mentor set ups & dates
Collaboration opportunities with GTINC. + Kula
Social Media: Feature Lady Post on GTINC. Social Platforms (promotion)
Additional support and connection through the Round Table: Master Level social platform
Payment plan Option: 10 Equal payments, once a month x 10 months
Your investment is a taxable -Business write-off
Our Tables & Options
Women of the Round Table: Master Level IN-PERSON NOTTAWA
Women of the Round Table Master Level ON-LINE
NEW! The Women f the Round Table: Master Level new ON-LINE
Alumni Seat: Next Level
NEW! We welcome back the ladies from previous years and tables.
What she said….